Saturday, March 7, 2009


I was going to do a long introduction to this but I have changed my mind.

On the 10th February, 2009, Noel Keogh died. He won't mean a lot to anyone who lands on this page, but he meant a lot to me. In life, he guided me through college by encouraging me to believe in myself, something he never managed of himself.

He was like a brother to me. I miss him.

Rest in peace Noel.

The Bridge
On that night we stood
side by side in the pouring rain,
arms outstretched, reaching
for what seemed an eternity.
The heavens touched us.
The rain, heavy as I can ever remember,
found us out
and soaked us in the moment.
Streamlets caressed our faces
dropping gently onto the shining pavement
whispering the truth of the unity we had found.

"Do you feel free?" you asked.
And we stood there; time a thing of the past.

There is nothing that can bring us back
to the dark ecstacy of that night.
Nothing a local hero
can pull from the raging waters
to rescue the absolutes that we had discovered.
They run through my fingers,
fluid and fickle.
Only the streamlets remain,
caressing my face,
offering cold comfort
in the light of day.

Now, it is my turn to ask.

(c) A. Jackson 2009